

We understand that applying to colleges as an international student can be overwhelming and sometimes cause confusion. That's why we have gathered all the steps in one place. 

Please note that the Office of 国际招生 is always happy to help you. 

First-Year 国际 Students: Required Steps

Please choose one of the applications below and take time to fill all required fields on the application. Your application WILL NOT be considered until we have your address in your home of citizenship. 

  • UHart应用程序 -请填写此网上申请表. 欢迎所有同学. 10-15分钟完成.
  • 常见申请 – Please complete this application if you are attending a High/Prep School in the US or an 国际 School overseas. 30分钟完成.

We will begin our admission review on the basis of an electronic (scanned) copy of your academic records. 然而, your admission will not be final until we receive the official transcript/record from each high school (secondary school) you have attended.

重要的是: All transcripts presented in a language other than English must include a translation. 的 official academic records must be mailed in a separate sealed envelope. Please request that an official copy of your official records be sent to one of the addresses below (electronic or hard-copy):   




To create your UHart I-20 you are required to provide the following:

  1. Bank Statement from your parent's bank indicating a balance equal to or greater than the cost of attendance for the University for one academic year. This figure can be presented in local currency or US Dollars. 
  2. 资助证明表格–Please complete and return this form with your bank statement. 
  3. 支付你的 注册订金 
  4. Please complete, scan, and return your I-20 Request form 
  5. *SEVIS I-20转学申请表 -请填写、扫描后返回.
  6. Copy of your Passport - Please scan and return. 
  7. * Copy of US Visa - Please scan and return. 

*的se forms are required ONLY if you already have a valid visa and are studying in the US. If you do not currently hold the US Visa they are NOT required to get the UHart I-20.

You may send these prior to the review of your application or following your notice of admission.  

Upon receipt of these forms, we will create your form I-20. 

如果你的母语不是英语, you are required to prove your ability in the English Language. You can prove your ability in the following ways:

English Language Testing (All degree progams except *CETA) – Minimum Scores

  • 雅思- 6.5
  • 多邻国- 110
  • 托福家庭考试80分
  • 皮尔逊- 58

工程技术学院 & 架构(CETA) -最低分数

  • 6.0雅思
  • 74年托福考试
  • 100年Duolingo
  • 55岁的皮尔森

Alternative methods for proving English proficiency

  • 圆满完成 英语作文 at a regionally accredited College or University in the United States with a grade of C or higher. 必须是传统的课堂形式吗 在线课程 接受.
  • 国际学士学位: 英语A1或A2, 3级或以上
  • Advanced Placement English with a 3级或以上
  • SAT Evidence based reading/writing 480或更高
  • GCSE or GCE English Pass (syllabus A) with A、B或C的成绩
  • A HKCEE English Pass with a grade of (Syllabus A) with a A、B、C或D的等级
  • Trinity ISE II级别: Pass in All module areas
  • CEFR B2+预进阶

If you intend to pursue a degree at the 立博体育官网 but you do not meet our English language proficiency requirements, you have the option of starting your degree 在 国际衔接课程 (IPP).

  • 圆满完成 英语作文 at a regionally accredited College or University in the United States with a grade of C or higher. 必须是传统的课堂形式吗 不接受网上课程.
  • 国际学士学位: 英语A1或A2, 3级或以上
  • 大学先修课程英语: 3级或以上
  • 基于证据的阅读/写作: 480或更高
  • GCSE或GCE英语及格(课程A): A、B或C的成绩
  • 香港中学会考英语及格(课程甲): A、B、C或D的等级
  • Trinity ISE II级别: 通过所有模块的考试
  • CEFR B2+预进阶

If you intend to pursue a degree at the 立博体育官网 but you do not meet our English language proficiency requirements, you have the option of starting your degree
国际衔接课程 (IPP).

Please check the following requirements ONLY if you are applying to a degree in the Fine Arts Music, 剧院, 和舞蹈.

Hartford Art School Portfolio Requirements

Painting, Sculpture, Visual Communication Design, Ceramics, & 插图

提交 an Art Portfolio with a minimum of 15-20 pieces of your art. This should include examples of your best work from the last 2 years, observational drawing and other approaches that demonstrate your strengths. Please submit work that shows the breadth and depth of your art endeavors and highlights your ideas and conceptual abilities as well as your technique.

的 Hartt School Requirements - Music, 剧院, & 跳舞

All majors within 的 Hartt School require the completion of Hartt’s Supplemental Application and an audition and/or interview.  This can be through a recording and/or Skype interview.  请浏览 哈特录取页面 欲知更多资料.


By submitting your score it may help to increase the strength of your record. 在某些情况下, students who fall below our admission standard have gained admission as a result of a good score on these exams. 提交ting these scores can also strengthen your candidacy for scholarship.

Students in Asia may arrange for an interview with Vericant, it provides in-person interview opportunities for international applicants interested in showcasing English skills and professionalism to the admissions team.

今天就开始你的犹他大学之旅. 迈出下一步.